Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh,
August 2022-December 2022

The ERF is a US$17.5 million matching-grant program which, under three
funding windows, provided financial support to eligible Bangladeshi firms from
the leather and leather goods, footwear, plastics, and light engineering sectors,
respectively, to identify gaps, catalyze investment and improve Environmental,
Social and Quality (ESQ) standards; and, under a fourth funding window,
supported the design, development, scale up and/or diversification of firms
involved in the manufacture of Medical and Personal Protective Equipment
(MPPE) products implemented by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of the
People’s Republic of Bangladesh, and supported by the World Bank, the Export
Readiness Fund (ERF) is part of the Export Competitiveness for Jobs (EC4J)
Project. The main objective of this assignment is collect data and information
from the small and medium enterprises of 4 different sectors (i.e. leather and
leather goods, footwear, plastics and light engineering sectors) who are the
beneficiaries of ERF under EC4J Project to assess the impact of grant on their

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