To assist BIFFL in the implementation of energy efficiency and conservation promotion (EECP) financing project
To assist BIFFL to implement, monitor and expand the EECP Two-Step Loans program successfully, which is initiated and supported by JICA.
Support BIFFL to conduct site visit/ physical verifications of installation, operation and maintenance status and appropriate use of the fund for energy-efficient machinery.
Identification of the potential for EE and Renewable Energy Financing opportunities in Bangladesh.
Identify business models and potential partners or Service Providers to scale-up EE/RE financing
Estimate the total needs for EE and RE finance in Bangladesh
Took part in the formulation mission of JICA Urban Building Safety Project and evaluated financial performance of prospective banks and NBFIs in Bangladesh in terms of NPL, ROA, ROE, EPS, Productivity and other factors
Conducting global study on current application of existing international environmental and social standards in the textile industry in developing and emerging countries (Situation of Bangladesh) in association with TTZ , Germany, funded by German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany
Conducting global study on current application of existing international environmental and social standards in the textile industry in developing and emerging countries (Situation of Bangladesh) in association with TTZ , Germany, funded by German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany
Conducted KIIs with RMG and Textile manufacturers to assess the cleaner production process and evaluate the project
Evaluated the project titled “Assessment and Retrofitting Plan of Purple Apparels Ltd., a PWD-JICA technical co-operation project. Conducted site assessment, and report writing including management, marketing, technical and financial aspects to assess the viability of the project
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