Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

Since its inception, YC has been operating with global network in an environment of multi-sector and multi-parties’ involvement like private, public, civil society, non-government organizations, think tanks, training and research institutes, etc. Its broad-based clientele include Ministries of Government of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Investment Development Authority, Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority, Export Promotion Bureau, Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority, FBCCI and other leading local chambers of commerce, sector associations, trade and business associations, development programs and projects of donor agencies for the private sector and enterprise development and institutional capacity building of SMEs (ADB,WB, European Commission, JICA, DANIDA, USAID, SNV, GIZ, KFW, DEG, WTO-ITC, IDB, etc.), banks and financial institutions, private corporate and enterprises, NGOs, joint venture industries, business individuals including women entrepreneurs, etc.

YC is currently implementing a six-year project funded by JICA titled ‘Energy Efficiency and Conservation Promotion Financing Project of BIFFL- a non-bank financial institution owned by the Government of Bangladesh, where YC provides following services:

To assist BIFFL in the implementation of energy efficiency and conservation promotion (EECP) financing project

To assist BIFFL to implement, monitor and expand the EECP Two-Step Loans program successfully, which is initiated and supported by JICA.

Support BIFFL to conduct site visit/ physical verifications of installation, operation and maintenance status and appropriate use of the fund for energy-efficient machinery.

YC has recently conducted an “Inspection of Solar Irrigation Pumping Systems and Related Transaction Documentations under Productive USE of Renewable Energy Project (PUREP)”, funded by KfW. The Infrastructure Development Company Ltd (IDCOL) finances the Solar irrigation pumping Systems (SIPs), Renewable Energy sources for electricity and reduces dependence on electricity or diesel, once installed, there is no recurrence cost of electricity or fuel. YC examines the relevant progress reports provided by IDCOL, familiarizes with the Scope and status of Project Implementation; Visits of relevant project sites including qualitative and quantitative checks and Review of transaction documents in accordance with the initially planned aspects as is stated in the plan for Review of Use of Funds (MVP).

YC conducted a study on ‘Industry Specific Study on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Financing Potential for Financial Institutions in Bangladesh’ for IFC-the World Bank Group. Following activities undertaken under this study:

Identification of the potential for EE and Renewable Energy Financing opportunities in Bangladesh.

Identify business models and potential partners or Service Providers to scale-up EE/RE financing

Estimate the total needs for EE and RE finance in Bangladesh

In the renewable energy sector, YC worked for IDCOL on series of assignments and implemented a two-year long program called “IDCOL Biogas Program Monitoring”, funded by KFW, Germany, in association with a German Consulting firm. YC also successfully accomplished the following directly related to the proposed assignment:

Took part in the formulation mission of JICA Urban Building Safety Project and evaluated financial performance of prospective banks and NBFIs in Bangladesh in terms of NPL, ROA, ROE, EPS, Productivity and other factors

Conducting global study on current application of existing international environmental and social standards in the textile industry in developing and emerging countries (Situation of Bangladesh) in association with TTZ , Germany, funded by German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany

Conducting global study on current application of existing international environmental and social standards in the textile industry in developing and emerging countries (Situation of Bangladesh) in association with TTZ , Germany, funded by German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany

Conducted KIIs with RMG and Textile manufacturers to assess the cleaner production process and evaluate the project

Evaluated the project titled “Assessment and Retrofitting Plan of Purple Apparels Ltd., a PWD-JICA technical co-operation project. Conducted site assessment, and report writing including management, marketing, technical and financial aspects to assess the viability of the project

Finally, YC has developed networks with a number of reputed international academic institutions and consulting firms and individual consultants in Asia, Europe, Africa, and USA Among them, Maastricht School of Management. The Netherlands, Financial Institutions Consulting Inc of USA, I-CON Institute, Ramboll Management, Detecon, JERI Japan, IC-NET Japan and TTZ of Germany, DDH of Denmark, A & B Partners of Belgium. Force of Business of Columbia, Dreams Makers, and Malones and Associates of Philippines, etc. are mentionable. YC has substantial experience in managing and supporting the implementation of short, mid and long term projects of development partners like EU, KFW, World Bank, IFC, etc. Finally, YC has the capacity and resources to extend all required support facilities to accomplish the proposed project.

Services Option

Energy Audits and

Energy Management
Systems (EMS)

Process Optimization

Renewable Energy Integration

Energy Conservation Measures

Waste Heat Recovery

Monitoring and Reporting

Training and Capacity Building

Financial and
Incentive Analysis

Maintenance and Support

Compliance and Regulatory

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