Agriculture and Agribusiness Consulting

Backed by 26 years of proven dedication, YC has conducted numerous field surveys, socio-economic studies and market research in the agricultural sector. Some of its relevant and similar assignments are as mentioned below:

  • Inspection of Solar Irrigation Pumping Systems and Related Transaction Documentations under Productive Use of Renewable Energy Project (PUREP), assigned by KfW
  • Data Collection survey on Agro based NGOs in Bangladesh, assigned by JICA
  • Conducted Additional Mid-term Evaluation on Small and Marginal Sized Farmers Agricultural Productivity Improvement and Diversification Financing Project, assigned by JICA
  • Conducted Fact finding Survey on Agricultural Finance and Agricultural Technical Assistance in Bangladesh in two phases, assigned by JICA
  • Fact-finding and baseline survey for formulation of Agriculture Value Chain Improvement project (Loan & TA), funded by JICA where supported collecting all related data for agro-based industries including local policies.
  • Conducted identification of the agro-based industrial cluster study under “MSME Cluster Mapping in Bangladesh”, assigned by SME Foundation
  • Conducted national study on Market Feasibility and Business Plan Development for Nutritious Rice Value Chain Project in Bangladesh (two phases), funded by GAIN, USA
  • Undertook scoping study to develop “Index Based /Crop Insurance in Bangladesh”, funded by IFC-SEDF
  • Undertook scoping study to develop “Index Based /Crop Insurance in Bangladesh”, funded by IFC-SEDF
  • Feasibility Study on Ready Food Products (Noodles, Potato Cracker and Chips) Manufacturing Unit, assigned by Islam Consumer Products Limited (ICPL)
  • Carried out survey on “Local Needs for BOP Business in Bangladesh (Phase-1 & 2)”, assigned by JICA
  • Preparation of Feasibility Study Report to Assess Viability of Setting Up an API Plant

YC has a strong experts pool including Agriculturist, Agro-Economist, Horticulture Expert with recognized technical excellence comprising of competence in understanding various problems, constraints and challenges faced in agricultural sector and has veteran senior statisticians having hands-on experience in similar survey design, sampling frame development, data collection tools development, sampling techniques, and statistical analysis using statistical packages, such as SPSS, STATA, etc.

Finally, YC has formed strong professional linkages with many international consulting partners and trade promotion institutions in Asia, Europe, North and Latin America who support and contribute to its efforts towards the development of industries across the country especially in the agricultural sector.

Services Option

Agri Business Survey

Farmer’s Household Survey

Baseline and Fact-finding Survey

Mid-term & End-term Evaluation

Value Chain Survey

Feasibility Study

Skill Training

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