YC has carried out many business and financial advisory /consulting projects focused on institutional development and human capacity building. Key assignments of YC related to the proposed project are:
The principal consultant of YC is a former banker and veteran financial analyst with extensive experience in all spheres of finance, starting from direct lending to financial services innovation, motoring and loan recovery and financial policy formulation who understands the financial market dynamics, gained during the tenure of his work in 3 financial institutions including IDLC. Under his leadership, YC mobilizes a pool of well-blended experts comprises of Financial Expert, Shariah Bankers, Legal ad Policy expert and a renowned academician who have accomplished similar tasks as below:
Drafting financial policy and guidelines for loan programs; Suggesting policy for one-stop services for business licensing; Conducting operational monitoring and follow-up; Carrying out institutional capacity building; Setting performance indicators; Performing financial and economic modeling and Conducting impact assessment using ICT tools, etc.
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