Year Of Working Experiance
Young Consultants is a private consulting house specialized in business, finance, marketing, entrepreneurship development and training established in January 1998. YC is the pioneer consulting firm in promoting economic zone concept in Bangladesh. YC team assisted various development partners (Worldbank group, ADB, USAID, European Commission, Danida, JICA, IDB, UNCTED, GIZ, KFW, DEG, SNV Netherlands, UKAID etc.) implementation of numerous enterprise development.
The key promoter has vast experience in industrial project development, industrial financing, enterprise development, project management, training and institutional capacity building. He has wide exposure to the various industries and Economic Zones in Bangladesh as well as other countries like Vietnam, Thailand, India Cambodia, The Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Kenya, Tanzania, Belgium, Spain, Austria, Croatia, UAE, Canada.
In 2015, YC achieved the 17th Century International Quality ERA Award.