Infrastructure Development Company Ltd (IDCOL), funded by Kfw
September 2022-March 2023

Irrigation plays a key role in agriculture
and as such provision of energy to pumping of the irrigation water is of equal
importance. In Bangladesh, irrigation of agriculture over a good part of the year is
common practice. However, energy from the grid for such pumps are often not
available since many areas have only recently seen the extension of the grid

consequently, farmers have relied on diesel power pumps to provide the required
irrigation water. So far there are well over 1,000.000 diesel-powered pumps in
use and adding to the use of diesel fuel as well as emissions from the
combustion of this diesel fueled.
Solar irrigation pumping Systems (SIPs) have experienced a considerable
development over the past decade. In particular the cost of the solar modules
and inverters needed for SIPs have come down considerable leading to the fact
that SIPs are competitive to diesel powered pumps and even add certain benefits
such as less exposure to the rise of diesel fuel costs and less effort required as
the fuel does not need to be transported to the fields.
The Infrastructure Development Company Ltd (IDCOL) finances a vast range of
assets, these also being SIPs and biogas electrification systems. KfW has
refinanced such assets through the Financial Corporation grant no 2012.6642.8
this grant has been fully utilized, and a final assessment of the project
“Productive Use of Renewable Energy (PUREP)” needs to be conducted. For this
assessment a physical inspection of a sample of systems and an evaluation of
the transaction documents will be required as is described in the text below as
well as a review of the accounting procedures. Considering the fact that physical
assessment of the biogas electrification systems has already been conducted the
appraisal for this biogas electrification systems will only consist of a verification of
the documents but will not include a visit and physical inspection of the system.

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