IFC-Bangladesh Investment Climate Fund (BICF), The World Bank Group
July 2009-June 2011

The Bangladesh Investment Climate Fund (IFC-BICF) is an 8-year technical assistance program targeting a better operating environment for businesses. Funded by the UK’s Department for International Development and the European Union, the IFC-BICF is managed by the International Finance Corporation of the World Bank Group. Consistent with the Government’s strategic vision for private sector development within its overall poverty reduction strategy, the Government and the IFC-BICF jointly designed and implemented programs to institute more business-friendly policies, laws and regulations, and strengthen the institutions and civil servants who implemented them.


Over the course of the planned IFC-BICF economic zones program, the Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (BEPZA) had been offered assistance in a range of areas, including designing and implementation of a


Social Management System for the organization. IFC-BICF contracted Social Management Specialists who worked on enhancing social compliance at the enterprise level by creating awareness building campaigns. As part of the Social Management Program, BEPZA employed and supervised 60 labor counselors with the World Bank Group’s funds. The core function of the labor counselors included compliance monitoring, building awareness campaigns, dispute resolution, etc.


To provide all the required HR Services to the Social Management Program of BEPZA, IFC-BICF had contracted Young Consultants for a period of 1 year (from July 2009 to June 2010) with the possibility of extension for an additional year.

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